Xinjiang China Travel

  • Three Unbelievable Places in Xinjiang Tour You Never Visited

    December 4, 2019 by

    Xinjiang is one autonomous region of China and part of Asia connecting, renowned road, Silkroad. It is the primary gateway of the Silk Road having the great cultures of east and west. If you are selecting the Xinjiang tour, you will visit over 45 ethnic groups, which have unique cultures.  Pack your bags for the… Read more

  • Planning Xinjiang Tour | Must Visit these Four Lakes

    December 4, 2019 by

    You may think of endless desert, desolated beaches, ancient city, mountains, and ruins, when Xinjiang tour’s topic begins in your group. Indeed, it has unique, breathtaking rives, lakes, and sea. However, if you are planning a visit there, you must visit the bright and beautiful lakes. Today, in this blog, I’m excited to reveal the… Read more

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